We're upgrading our laboratory!
The laboratory is a key facility for the management of quality at Bakels and home to our NPD development capability. 2022 will see changes to this space with some upgrades and additional capabilities.
Enhancing our NPD capability in the lab is the HotMixPRO a newly commissioned benchtop development tool. This equipment allows faster turnaround of plant quality samples for spreads and butter replacers. The ability to generate other food products and samples will be continually developed and commissioned on this equipment as the year progresses. This equipment has the ability to heat and cool sample batches allowing for wide application and ability to closely replicate plant manufactured products.
“ The HotmixPro COMBI is a great tool for the Development Team and we are confident with repeatability and final quality of the samples produced for customer evaluation. And also, we can use the HotMixPro to gain and provide a lot more technical knowledge for our current and new product developments.”
The arrival of a Gas chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) in the first quarter of 2022 will allow for advancement in the analytical techniques available at BEO.
This will enable to setup of 3MPCD and GE analysis at Bakels, this work will be commissioned in collaboration with Cawthron Institute and NZFSSRC. This is a significant step forward in our offering to infant formula customers for the monitoring of this process contaminant in the ingredient oils and finished product oil blends.